Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort
you stay, you give to the community
In 2019 Harriet Bullitt gifted Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort to Icicle Fund. Her gift was not a one-time transaction but a continuous gift to the community through the work of the Fund. Today, 100% of the Resort’s net profits is dedicated to the environment, the arts, and the cultural and natural history of North Central Washington.
A sense of place is central to the mission of Icicle Fund and Harriet’s gift of Sleeping Lady represents the strong bond we have with our land. Beginning with the Yakama and P’squosa Native American tribes fishing along the shores of the Icicle River, young people embarking on new opportunities while working at Camp Icicle with the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s, family visitors bonding at the Icicle River Ranch in the 1950s, children playing at Camp Field in the 1960s, and Harriet’s protection from over development in the 1990s, many have been touched by this beautiful land that is now the home to Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort.
Today guests of Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort can unplug, enjoy healthful dining, experience the arts, and connect to nature through outdoor adventure and know when they stay here, they give back. We are grateful for this place and this gift.
As Harriet had envisioned, Sleeping Lady continues to be a wellspring of nourishment and inspiration.
Photo: Fishing Camp near Leavenworth, with fish drying rack and tepee, ca. 1907. Photograph by B. C. Collier. North Central
Washington Museum, #79-114-37
Photo: CYO Camp:
Photo: Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort
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